Dawkins's Stupidity
So, I was reading a review of one of Dawkins's books, "The God Delusion". The review is eponymous, and was originally found in Harper's. The version I read is posted here. Generally, it sounds like an interesting book, and now that I'm done with Gould's "Full House", I'm looking for another book by a filthy godless heathen to read. If I end up reading it, I'm sure I'll manage to comment on it here. But I did find one of his arguments, as recreated by the review, to be just dumb. No, I'm not just trying to be mean. There are plenty of arguments against God's existence that aren't dumb. Just not this one.
A similar objection goes like this. If Dawkins is right, then the theory of evolution also proves that life on earth was created by aliens. Now, I happen not to believe that life on earth was created by aliens. But this is just because there's no good reason to believe it, not because evolution somehow magically makes it false. The theory of evolution does not entail that whatever started life on earth is less complex than anything on earth. Evolution assumes a relatively closed system. If something outside of that system interferes, it's not bound by the laws of that system.
There are many problems with this argument. First, most traditional Christians (okay, most traditional Christian philosophers) actually do believe that God is simple. But more importantly, Dawkins makes a big assumption here. We have really, really good evidence that the diversity of life on earth arose through the vehicle of evolution. We have no evidence whatsoever that the principles of evolution should apply even to alien races, much less to a transcendent being. Perhaps I'm oversimplifying his argument. Please correct me if I'm wrong. But this seems like a completely obvious objection.
The chapter titled "Why There Almost Certainly Is No God" reflects his reasoning at its highest bent. He reasons thus: A creator God must be more complex than his creation, but this is impossible because if he existed he would be at the wrong end of evolutionary history. To be present in the beginning he must have been unevolved and therefore simple.
A similar objection goes like this. If Dawkins is right, then the theory of evolution also proves that life on earth was created by aliens. Now, I happen not to believe that life on earth was created by aliens. But this is just because there's no good reason to believe it, not because evolution somehow magically makes it false. The theory of evolution does not entail that whatever started life on earth is less complex than anything on earth. Evolution assumes a relatively closed system. If something outside of that system interferes, it's not bound by the laws of that system.