Friday, August 17, 2007

Why are you who you are?

Taken from Absent Elements:

Rules: Post the explanation of where your username came from. Then tag TEN users whose explanations you'd like to hear. If you are tagged post the explanation to your page.

I'll do both the title of this blog, and the alias I use on IM.

mad_philosopher: So, back in the day, my email address was I decided to switch to Yahoo! mail because several of my friends had been having trouble with hotmail. Now, I'd like to say that I changed from 'the philosopher' to 'mad philosopher' in a fit of humility, but the truth is, 'the philosopher' was already taken.

Under the Law: The original name of this blog was actually "Notes from Under the Law School," which was a reference to Dostoytevsky's Notes from Underground. I decided that the reference was a bit too strained, so I did a little research and discovered to my surprise that 'Under the Law' hadn't been taken yet.

So there you go.

Monday, August 06, 2007

Top 10-ish Things Not to Say to the Defendant in Plea Negotiations

1. Good luck
2. Thank you, come again.
3. Know where I can score some good pot?
4. Do you know what you're charged with? *evil laughter*
5. Oh, you're charged with Driving While License Suspended? Then you'll have to bend over and take it like a man.
6. Sure, we can reduce that Aggravated Assault to an Impeding Traffic.
7. Come here often?
8. How about DUI 2nd with a no jail rec?
9. Why don't we just take this outside.
10. So, you're charged with Solicitation. How much?
11. Do you like fried chicken?
12. Do you want to rub my head?